During a busy summer for cable storage and spooling services, Swan Hunter have successfully completed the loadout of Norther Offshore Windfarm Export Cable onto Van Oord’s Nexus cable lay vessel. .
Approximately 29km of HVAC export cable, totalling 3150Te, was spooled onto the Nexus vessel from the DOC-Swan Hunter Cable Storage and Spooling yard, Vlissingen, The Netherlands.
Swan Hunter’s Director Gerard Kroese stated:
“This loadout marks the completion of the third cable storage project this year for Swan Hunter. It helps to establish our proven track record in providing a complete package of cable storage and handling services that we can offer our clients; including storage facilities, equipment, personnel, and engineering and project management services.”
The export cable was spooled in to the onshore storage carousel earlier this year in Q2 2018.
SWAN HUNTER, a specialist in providing a wide range of reliable offshore installation equipment for flexible pipelines, umbilicals, power cables, and their engineering & project management team, have extensive experience in the offshore renewables and offshore oil & gas industries.